Wednesday, August 26, 2009

One Year Home Progress Report

Looking over the past months worth of posts, I realize that I have not given a Lina update in quite some time…here is an attempt!

I have been absolutely amazed with her language development. Lina speaks mostly in 4-6 word sentences, and is starting to make sounds that were so difficult for her in the past (the “ch” and soft g sounds). She has been into singing us songs lately. Her favorite is the ABC’s, she will sing the alphabet over and over again just to see our reactions and hear our praise. She also sings the lullaby that I sing to her nightly on command too. She loves music and listening to the radio, there are about 5-6 songs that she can partly sing along with, it’s amazing to watch her in action!

Eating and sleeping have never been a problem for Lina. She loves to eat absolutely everything, enjoys trying new things and loves her vegetables. Could I ask for anything more?! Over the past few weeks, she has insisted on not wanting to fall asleep during nap time. This, of course, has resulted in one tired child at the end of the day. We are working through it. I am hoping that once I start school next week, she will be so tired at day care that napping will not be a problem again.

On the attachment front, I feel that we are still making progress. Though we have been home over a year, I still don’t believe we are 100% there yet. I do see continual progress, though. This keeps me happy and secure that we are doing something right! I am glad that I have gotten to the point where I don’t obsessively think about the A word, though it is close by. Lina has been going to her babysitter’s half days this week. Still, she does not act sad for me to leave. However, when I asked her if she wanted to go to Karen’s house today, she said, “No Karen’s, stay home with Mama.” This is a good sign, right?
I have no doubts that Lina is secure in our home, and that she knows who Mama and Papa are, and our roles to her. She comes to us for comfort, looks for our praise, loves to cuddle, and always pulls us into her play. We could not ask for more.

As far as two-year-old drama and broken-record syndrome, we have that too. Instead of asking the constant “why”, Lina asks “What’s Mama dooooing?” or “What’s he doooing?” Perhaps I hear this question 50 times a day. To which I answer her every time, because if I ignore her, she just keeps asking it over and over and over again. The other day, she had a bad case of “what you doooing?” syndrome and even asked what the couch was dooooing. Really, Lina?

We have seen some meltdowns and a few tantrums. We are getting good at ignoring this bad behavior, which has worked to diffuse any escalation. Certainly, she is giving us a run for our money now-a-days. I just look at Ken and say “I would be worried if she didn’t do this!” Lina’s favorite phrase right now is “not today”. For example: Lina, Lets go potty. No go potty today, Mama. We hear that as much as “What you dooooing?”

Lina loves story time, and is really getting into Angelina Ballerina. Sesame Street is the only show she will watch, and only when I am there with her. She knows all of the characters and loves Cookie Monster the best! She absolutely loves the water, riding her bike, and swinging. She is getting more and more into dolls, and loves sorting her toys. She have never played with her blocks the correct way, just take them all out of the bag then put them all back in.

We just bought a big girl bed for Lina, and signed her up for Mommy and Me swimming lessons at the YMCA for the fall. It’s going to be a busy time!

Last but not least…Potty Training…well, that’s a whole other post, but I have come to the realization that she will get it in her own time when she is ready. I can only hope that is before she goes to college.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Carolina In My Mind...

If you can imagine a week spent in a beautiful home overlooking the ocean then you can picture our wonderful Mrytle Beach vacation. We spent last week with my parents and friends playing in the surf and enjoying the warm weather at the beach. To say that Lina loved her time at the ocean would be an understatement. She would wake up asking for the beach and took every opportunity to splash the water as the waves crashed her feet.

We had a week full of adventures, including the 16-hour car ride to and from South Carolina. Lina did marvelously in the car, sleeping half of the time on both trips. We visited Ripley’s aquarium, touched a horseshoe crab and walked under the sharks. Strolling Broadway at the Beach with Grammy and Grandpa was a hit because it ended with a creamy ice cream cone.

The adults had just as much fun. We spent time with our friends, ate like royalty, enjoyed long nights on the porch listening to the waves crash the shore, and just simply relaxed. However, the best part of the vacation was watching our daughter enjoy herself so much. She played so hard and loved every minute of beach time that she had. She loved playing with Grammy and Grandpa on the boogie-boards, chasing the seagulls, and yelling to the waves to “come get me, waves!” It was quite the week, and watching Lina in the ocean made us beam with pride and simple joy.

Perhaps, the best part of vacation was putting an exhausted child to bed every night. Ahh, the ocean…see you next year!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Hot Summer Days

On a hot summer day, there is nothing better than...
A Hose

The Kiddie Pool

A freeze pop

And, a beautiful daughter.