Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Ice and Snow...

...are two things that are very common in a New Hampshire winter! Though being without power for just over 3 days was something that we were not used to, that's for sure. We lose power very easily but I was not prepared to go that long without it. We have no alternate heat source or any running water! So, by last Friday morning our house was already starting to get cold. Angelina and I packed up and went to my mom's house. (or as Angelina calls her, "Mamme" as she can't quite say "Grammy") My parent's house also had no power, but they did have a wood stove and a fire place and running water, so it was perfect. Though as Saturday afternoon rolled around, it became more and more apparent that even my parents living in the city were not going to get power, so we decided to go to Ken's parents home and stay there until we got our power back.

So, to get to the point, we spent the better part of three days packed up and traveling from house to house while at the same time checking our house to make sure the pipes had not burst. There was so much chaos and I was just afraid that we would see Angelina backlash at some point. But, my daughter is amazing. She truly is a trooper and did nothing but smile all weekend. She ate, slept and napped perfectly. To say that I am impressed with this little girl is an understatement. She just never fails to amaze her mother! On Friday night, while at my parent's house, we had to periodically feed the fire in the fire place. At one point, Angelina woke up as I was getting the fire going. We eventually all settled down, and I looked at my daughter in her pack and play. She was sitting, with her dish towel (which is her security item) in hand and fingers in her mouth, staring at the fire. I could see on her face the look of amazement as she looked at the fire. The fire made her face glow, and it was one of those moments that made me fall in love with her all over again.

Last night brought about 5 inches of snow to our house, so I brought Angelina out to enjoy her first real snow of the season. I say "enjoy" because I thought that she would. But, she didn't. I guess Angelina thought that since snow covered her boots, that she was not able to move her legs anymore. she stood in the front yard for the longest time, then when she would topple over, she would whine until I picked her up. After I cleared some of the snow from the driveway, I put her there and Angelina liked it so much more. She could walk around and explore the snow banks on the side of the driveway. I think, overall, she had fun with the white stuff.

When we came inside, I made a fresh batch of oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. I think, for Angelina, that was the best part of being outside in the snow. I left some snowy pictures below.

Can't you imagine Cookie Monster saying "Cooookies" in this picture?!


Scott & Tammi said...

I love the snow pictures! My in-laws from New Hampshire finally got power back tonight. They have been staying with us since Friday. Nicholas has loved having them here!!! I'm so glad Angelina transitioned from place to place so well!!
Merry Christmas!!

Christine and Stephen said...

I wondered how y'all were making out... some of my family in Massachusetts have had similar power issues.... are you ready for this next big storm??? We are expecting 6 - 12inches here in New York and since Stephen works for Con Edison in Westchester.. I may not see him for a few days!!!

She looks so cute in the snow!!! Has she tasted it yet???

Have a wonderful 1st christmas with your beautiful daughter!!

Lori & Michael said...

So cute! Aaden's not sure about the snow yet either. It is amazing how resilient our children are. It was hard when we first moved with Aaden but he quickly figured thing out and was back to normal. I think they've been home long enough now that as long as they're with mommy and daddy things will be okay. Have a wonderful Christmas!
