Monday, June 8, 2009

Lina's Language Development

Since March, Lina’s language development has really sky-rocketed. It is quite fun and interesting to see what is going to come out of her mouth at any given time.

Here is an example of Lina’s bedtime routine as told by her play by play commentary:
“Papa put lotion on”
“Lotion on bug bites”
“Diaper on”
“Put jammies on”
“Mama in chair”
“Mama rock Lina”
“Papa put music on, Papa close door, go downstairs”
“Lina go to sleep” “Pakonah Nocheee” (Spokoinoi nochi…Russian for good night)
“Love you mama”

Of course I would not be telling the whole story if I did not include the following:
I will yawn and Lina will say “Mama tired.”
Lina will pass gas and will have to inform me that “Lina Parted”

Oh there is never a dull moment at bedtime!

Besides bed-time, Lina has been using 2-4(sometimes 5) word sentences. She is really coming a long way and it has been intriguing to see her make the connections in her head and come out with what is happening around her. For example, if the dog is drinking water, Lina will say “Honey Bear drinking water”. When she wants to drink something herself, I ask her to use good words and she will ask “May I please have some water Mama?” I ask her to use “good words” instead of “manners” because if I just ask for manners, all she will say is “Water please”. Little Devil. Every morning on the way to day care, Lina will say “Going to Karen’s” then she will list off the 5 other children’s names that also go to day care with her.

I truly enjoy conversing with my daughter and I can’t wait to see what the next few months have in store for us in this part of her development.

My favorite line currently is her answer to my question: Where did Mama and Papa adopt Lina from? “Russssa” Priceless.


Christine and Stephen said...


Priceless ... I'm sure the next few months will bring lots of stories!! I can't wait to see what she comes up with next!!

I love the updated pictures ... such a cutie!!


Sharon and Patrick said...

So funny reading about bedtime. Lina is growing up into a little cutie.Luv the new pics.