Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Appointments and Sickness

It has been a tough couple of days in our household. This weekend, I noticed a slight regression with Angelina's adjustment. She was reverting back to some of the orphanage behaviors that she had not done in a few weeks. She also was extra clingy, which is just not yet like her either. She was just out of sorts. Besides some major teething drooling which we gave her medicine for, I could not figure out what was wrong with her. I was starting to get worried. I asked Ken over and over again what we had done to warrant this change, and we could not figure out what we had done. All this until I saw Angelina tug and dig at her ears.
The doctor confirmed my thoughts, Angelina has an ear infection. I was so relieved to hear this, as her weekend behaviors were caused by the fact that she just did not feel well. She is now on antibiotics for the week, and the doctor said that we should see an improvement in Angelina's behavior within 24 hours, this can't come soon enough!
And in the long line of doctors visits, we were scheduled for some vaccinations today which we cancelled. No need to add insult to injury! Last week, Angelina had blood work done. She is such a trooper, and left the lab room actually smiling! She also had 3 vaccinations about two weeks ago as well. Again, I was so proud of her bravery. Angelina left that office smiling and happy-go-lucky. I've even collected the samples of a substance that you should never have to scoop with what resembles a wooden Italian ice spoon. I felt quite accomplished when all 4 samples of that was collected! We have a check up doctors appointment on September 10th, it will be nice to get lab results and to get a new weight. I'm hoping that all of Angelina's new foods are helping her thrive!
On Friday, we have an appointment with an early intervention specialist. This person will come to our house and determine if Angelina qualifies for services that are offered to children who are delayed developmentally.
I really had no idea that we would be in and out of doctor's offices this much the first month that we would be home, but am so glad that the light at the end of the tunnel is upon us! On another side note, children in my neighborhood were walking to the bus stop yesterday. I did a small jump for joy as I'm not going to back to school until the end of January. What a nice feeling!

I'll leave a few pictures of the past week:

Playing in the front yard

Happily waiting for dinner, once I got smart and realized Angelina can snack on cheerios while I'm preparing her dinner instead of crying at my feet!

Look mom, I'm feeling much better!


Scott & Tammi said...

I enjoyed reading your update and made a mental note about the cherrios while dinner is being made! I loved seeing the updated pictures of her, she is so precious!! Also, your new background on the website looks great too!


Christine and Stephen said...

I love the new look of your blog - the colors are great!!! This is the 2nd time I've read a post about all the dr. visits once you return home that first month - I'm going to keep that in mind!!

Glad she is feeling better!!!
