Friday, August 1, 2008

Goodbye Russia!

This morning we took one last walk down Old Arbat street. Angelina gets better and better at sitting in her stroller (and liking it) each day! We went early in the morning so that it was not too crowded. We bought her some Christmas ornaments as well as a Russian fairy tale book. She charmed one of the store clerks so they gave her a nice rattle to keep!

We then had our American Embassy appointment, our apartment is the building next to the embassy, so we walked there. Imagine walking into a room with 18 other American families and their new children, packed into a small waiting room. Ken and I had a hard time handling it, nevermind Angelina! She did do great though. Our appointment was at 2:00, but so was everyone elses. We were out of there and home by 4:00.

To finish the day we went out to eat at good-ol TGI Friday's. We have been there so much that they named a booth after us! Angelina ate most of her grilled cheese sandwich and mashed potatoes. She also had some of mama's fries. When we got home tonight, everything was fine for a few minutes, then Angelina's tiredness set in, and we knew it was time to get her to bed. She went down so easily after her fun bath and traumatic teeth brushing.

Here are some things we know about our daughter already:
  • She loves to eat! All food and any food, she is such a great eater. Sometimes I have to remind myself that her belly is very small and that she does not need as much food as she gets!
  • Water is Angelina's favorite drink. Well, we actually have not given her anything else yet. We have started to limit the amount we put in the sippy cup. Angelina was tanking the whole thing in just a few the American Embassy today, she peed through her diaper and clothes! Mama found another great use for the bathroom hand drier!
  • Angelina loves looking at herself in mirrors. She will stop at a mirror, dip her head in real close so that her forhead bumps the mirror, then she will start dancing in front of it. So cute!
  • After a nap or in the morning after waking up, Angelina loves to be really cute. She will give us kisses and hug her stuffed dog and cuddle. Also, when she does not want to go to bed, she will lay in her crip and blow kisses at us to try to get our attention and smiles. It is the hardest thing to ignore!
  • Angelina has a very strong personality. She wants what she wants, and let you know about it! Also, when she does not get what she wants, she will throw toys or anything around her (books, her shoe, etc...) We are trying to stay consistant and give her boundries, but I'm sure this is going to take some time.
Tomorrow at 11 we head for the airport and say goodbye to Russia. We have enjoyed our time here, and have a deep appreciation and love for this country for giving us our daughter. But, we are ready to be home and start living again. I'll leave some pictures:

Posing for the camera

Trying to figure out Papa's shoes

The infamous sippy cup

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