Friday, September 12, 2008

Attachment Progress

We had a one month check up at the doctor's office this week. Angelina gained 2 pounds since being home. All of her labs look great and we are done with the vaccinations. It seems like our never-ending doctor appointment schedule has come to an end for now. Finally, after 6 weeks of being home, I can rest easy and feel reassured that Angelina not only looks healthy, but we have the lab work to back it up!

During the first two weeks home, I gave up the dream of Angelina attaching to us perfectly and quickly. It finally hit me that all of the reading I've done on the topic was accurate, attachment is a long, long process. And, we would not be the magic wonder family that would be done with attachment when the plane landed in Boston! Even though I do see small signs of Angelina's attachment progress daily, I still had not had that "aha" moment. I was wondering if this moment was even going to happen to us, and if I would recognize it if it did.

As one of my friends put it, shots can be a blessing in disguise. Ken was holding Angelina as the nurse was giving her one of her shots. Angelina instantly started crying once the nurses held her arm down. Once the shot was done, she reached for me. I was already standing away from the whole shot scene so that I could rescue her when they were done, but she actually reached for me, and when I grabbed her, she rested her head on my shoulder and let me console her. I was cheering for Angelina on the inside! Even the nurse commented that it was a good sign of trust. (Coming from a nurse with very little international adoption experience, this meant a lot!) I know we have miles to go with attachment, but this was certainly the "aha" moment that I needed.

I will leave some pictures of us at the park yesterday. However, the novelty of the camera has worn off for Angelina. She no longer poses, smiles, runs to the camera. Actually, I take it out and she looks the other way.

Must you take a picture of me while I'm eating, mom?

Head, shoulders, knees and toes

Walking around trees can entertain Angelina for a long, long time!


Anonymous said...
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Christine and Stephen said...


I love these pictures of Angelina... she looks like such a happy little girl who is loved!!! I'm glad that you had the AHA moment ... what an important milestone for YOU!!!!

Hope you are doing well!!