Thursday, July 17, 2008

11 Days Until Gotcha Day!

Ken and I got home Tuesday night, and had an uneventful trip, thankfully. Jet lag is wearing off, and we have started to regroup and reorganize for our third and last trip to Bryansk!

We leave a week from Saturday, and we booked everything for this third trip when we did our second trip, so we are under no pressure to do anything besides pack! Today, I'm going to start picking out clothes for Angelina. I planned on looking at the tag on her clothes when we saw her on Monday to get an idea of what sizes we should be bringing, but her outfit did not have a size. Great. Olga and I both think that she is wearing 24-month clothes, though. We will go with it! Also, while we were visiting with her, I took off her shoe and traced it so that we have an idea of her shoe size. We need to get her some shoes! We also need to shop for her food, and maybe some easily-packable toys. Other than that, we are pretty well stocked.

We had a wonderful second trip to Russia. Aside from the stressful court hearing, we kept it pretty low-key, but still saw amazing things. We know that in 11 days, we will take Angelina in our arms forever, but it is not something that we really can believe yet. This adoption process for Ken and I has seemed too good to be true, and it will have the best happily-ever-after in 11 days, and we just can't wait. Now, on the flip side, we also know that for Angelina, this is going to be a time of great confusion and loss, and I just hope that we can make her feel as loved and cared for as she needs to be.


Mrs. K said...

Congrats Mom and Dad!! I got you e-mail with picture attachments, but couldn't open it. I'm sure she is as beautiful and sun-shiny as before and probably more so now. Thinking of all of you and all the fun you'll be having starting next month.

Take care.

Anonymous said...

I know you both have enough LOVE to give Angelina. She will be a little confussed but when you start giving her your love she will forget where she was. 11 days can't get hear fast enough. We love you both

Anonymous said...

It's so heartwarming to think that you will soon be united with your precious daughter. Thank you for including us in all the joy and excitement. Every time I read the blogs out loud to GB, my voice cracks and I get tears in my eyes. We are just so happy for you all. Enjoy every minute. We'll tune in for more updates. Much love, Suzie & Gordon