Sunday, March 1, 2009

A Busy Vacation

My school vacation week is wrapping up tonight. Lina and I had so much fun being home together, our week was full of different adventures. I have not forgotten how wonderful it is to be home with my daughter, but I did forget how very tiresome (and sometimes hard!) it truly is to be home all day with her.
I will leave you our week in pictures:
We started the week by celebrating various birthdays at both sets of grammy's houses. It was a full weekend of presents and cake! Lina got this wonderful shopping cart where the basket actually comes out and she can carry it around by itself. She has been shopping all around the house this week.
We spent a morning at Bounce U. Lina had a blast but was a bit too young still to fully enjoy the equipment by herself. I helped her bounce and slide on everything, Mama was ready for a nap that day!

Because we had so much fun in January, Lina, Grammy and I took a trip to Boston to visit the Children's Museum again. Again, Lina had a blast, and Mama was ready for a nap after!

About mid-week, Lina came down with a cold, so the last few days of our vacation were pretty low-key. Of course, trying on Mama's moose hat was very fun.

And, though there is house full of expensive toys, Lina would rather just use the vacuum cleaner as a horsey.


Becky and Keith said...

Bounce U?!? Do you live in Nashville too? We had so much fun there! Glad you enjoyed your vacation!

Nicole said...

We have been following your blog and I must have read your posts about Lina's eye doctor visit no less that ten times!When we went to try them on they pulled out those blue harry potter glasses ! Lina is beautiful! I think we were at the hospital in Moscow doing our medicals at the same time (July11'08).